Jelle Bakker
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Скачивай мод JB – TPP MOD WIP third person (камера от третьего лица) для Cyberpunk 2077 и отправляйся на поиски устройства позволяющего обрести бессмертие!
Мод для игры с видом от третьего лица.
Установка: Извлеките содержимое файла в Cyberpunk 2077 / bin / x64 /.
Шаг 1: Запустите Cyberpunk 2077
Шаг 2: Подождите, пока игра загрузится, сохранение
Шаг 3: Нажмите B
Шаг 4: Наслаждайтесь
Оригинальное описание:
A Third person mod for Cyberpunk. WORK IN PROGRESS
Requires Cyber Engine Tweaks V1.8.3 to be installed first. Download from:
The mod can be installed using Vortex or installed manually.
Manual installation:
Extract the contents of the file to your Cyberpunk 2077 folder.
Existing users:
Make sure you delete the old mod folder before installing V7 as the folder name has changed.
Go to the mods folder (Cyberpunk 2077binx64pluginscyber_engine_tweaksmods) and delete the JB Third Person Mod folder.
How to use:
Step 1: Start Cyberpunk 2077
Step 2: wait for game to load save
Step 4: press B <— to activate TPP
Step 5: press F2 <— to cycle to different views
Step 6: press ‘9’ to zoom out or ‘0’ to zoom in
Step 7: when in car, press ‘8’ to enable the car camera
Step 8: Enjoy
There are currently 5 camera views when cycling with F3
Crouching bug is still a problem
Car cam can’t rotate
Hat and glasses not showing
Wide shoulders
Head sometimes dissapears
Crash on exit game
Glitching effect on head when near car
Show double hands on mantis blade
Sometimes double player on Photomode
Version 8.0
Yeet the crouch bug, i think
Added debug buttons, for example weaponOverride
Reverted to V6.1, so no crouch but car BUG again
Added a carCam key ‘8’ to enable the car camera when in car as a work around.
Version 7.0
Fixes cam 0 would be loaded in, when it didn’t exist
Fixes a bug in photomode where you saw two bodies
Fixes that you can’t enter TPP NAKED
Fixes the car camera
Fixes the motorcycle faceplant i think
Removed the close zoom cap, so it allows you to go FPP while in TPP, to make the RTX players happy, for reflections..
Added a warning sign to inform you that you cant go into third person when weapons equipped
Added a parameter for Camera Bobbing
Version 6.1 Hotfix
Fixes V6
Fixes zoomfunction
Version 6.0
Fixes the overlapping hair issue
Removed the crouch bug permanent i think
Fixed that the head would be gone permanent i think
You can now only zoom in & out when not moving, otherwise the camera gets stuck
Added a reset zoom button in debug menu
Added the parameter animated face, be warned, this will conflict with any save that will changed in any way with an mod editor
Added a button in Debug Menu to Force Fix Collar, sometimes when exit the car the collar is gone
Version 5.0
Fixed yaw and hair when in first person mode
Fixed the head after exit the car
Removes the head button, because it doesn’t work anymore
Fixed when entering the car the head dissapeared and reappeared
Fixed when loaded a save file while in a car, the mod goes buggy
Added forced first person if weapon equiped, then switch back if you dont have weapon anymore
Added Collar (can cause big crouch glitch, to fixed it press B again, we are working on it)
Added a parameter file where you can set values for the mod
You can now set your key bidings in the parameter file
Added no Camera Bobbing, because duh.. why did i not implement this sooner?
Because of the new body i needed to implement a custom car camera, sorry! i will fix this in future when Cyber Engine Tweaks has readable/writable properties, warning there is a AUDIO bug
Added Cam 5, freeform cam. but the player cant move yet.
Version 4.1 Hotfix
Fixed Gender Checks, no need for two files
Fixed Controller issues, rebound the key F1 to F2 and debug from F2 to F3
Fixed Grey mesh, it is now displayed as invisible (Merged from
Fixed Scope issue
Added in the Debug F3 a button to equip / unequip head
Version 4.0
Fixed after exit the car the head wouldn’t respawn
Fixed after you die the head would be gone
Fixed that the head item wont be spawning in your inventory
Fixed when in car the script would mess up
Ready for Next Cyber Tweaks Engine v1.8.4
Added a Zoom button in & out for different camera positions, Keys are ‘9’ and ‘0’
Added button F1 to cycle through the different camera views, B enables and disables TPP
Updated the code in a class oriented way
Added Animated face instead of static face
Added Debug Screen ‘F2’ key
Version 3.0
Added only script files instead of Cheat Engine
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