Данная модификация добавляет в игру автомобиль Ford Fusion 2017.
Оригинальное описание: Ford Fusion 2017
Drive type: Front
Gearbox type: 6 Automatic
Maximum power: 245 hp
Max. speed: 200 km/h
Acceleration time: 7.0 sec
Fundamentally new car physics;
Rear View Camera;
Raindrops with an appropriate choice of weather;
Realistic appearance;
Gearbox indication;
Possibility of refueling;
Working chip “dust from under the wheels”;
Working chip “water from under the wheels” Working chip “trailer”;
Working chip “cargo transportation”;
Working chip “passenger transportation”;
Working chip “improved room lighting”;
Fully working all arrows and indications;
Well-designed interior;
Car textures are made in high quality.
List of extras:
1. Tinting without a forehead
2. Tinting in a circle
3. Tinted headlights
4. Black factory wheels
5. Without Black Edition numbers
6. Gray leather in the cabin
7. White leather in the cabin
Changes (11/19/20):
Compatibility with game version
Added registration code (for those players whose game cannot see the car without it)
Physics updated
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