Эта модификация добавляет Mark XI Emu Bipedal Sprinter Mech в игру Brick Rigs.
Оригинальное описание: Mark XI Emu Bipedal Sprinter Mech
Behold, a weapon to surpass metal gear
198 Bricks
The three mechs I have made before were great and all, but they all had one problem, they were really really slow. As such, after days of research and development, I have created a new generation of sprinting mechs.
______________CONTROLS______________• Press W to go fowards, A and D to turn while moving
• Press space to activate flying rockets
• move mouse around in alt mode to aim gun, left click to fire
• Turn on headlights for eyes (default «L»)
______________FEATURES______________• two legs
• a walk cycle
• a stabalized gun/head
• lights for eyes
• a totally nonexistant box that is completely not important for the functioning of the mech
___________THINGS TO NOTE___________• This mech is very very light and as such it is very very fragile, not recommended for heavy armor fights.
• This mech is not recommended on servers with high ping due to how glitchy it is with collision and acuators
• Good fps recommended for reliable running
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